Belief After Freud

The book confronts psychoanalysis and faith, showing how a purified vision of faith can emerge through the crucible of psychoanalysis.
Part One centers on Freud’s position on religion. Part Two on the relation with God of a person undergoing psychoanalysis and the child’s image of God against the one Jesus brings, before facing the problem of unconscious guilt feelings with the knowledge from sin and salvation.
Part Three opens with sexuality, the secondary role that Jesus grants it in the Gospels and the central one it takes for so many Christians. The believer and authority: obedience, and the necessary change in the relations with power that may fit both the Gospel and present-day democratic sensibility. The unconscious, pathological roots of the relation with money, against evangelical poverty: special meaning for the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.

Informations supplémentaires

  • Auteur(s) - Autore: Carlos Dominguez Morano
  • Année - Anno: 2018
  • Type de document - Tipo di documento: Livre - Libro
  • Langue - Lingua: Espagnol - Spagnolo
  • Thème - Tema: Autre - Altro
  • Evénement - Avvenimento: Hors AIEMPR - Fuori AIEMPR
  • Publication dans - Pubblicazione: London/New York: Routledge
  • Mots-clé - Parola-chiave: psychoanalysis and faith